How Much Do Fashion Designers Make?

by | Social Style

One of the more popular questions get from readers on this site is, how much do Fashion Designer salaries and hours work really entail. It’s a valid question as there are many different pieces of clothing that need to be made, and just as many people who design these clothes. Starting out as an entry-level fashion designer with little to no fashion experience will only expect to earn anywhere from $36420 to $ewaysoon per year or just under a little over $ eighteen to twenty-four hourly. As with any other job, the higher you go, the more money you’ll make.

But how much do fashion designers work in general? The typical day for most of them is very similar. They begin their day by having coffee with the client, go over basic design elements until such time as all aspects of the project have been thought of and approved, then make a shopping list, order fabric and tailoring, and set to work. The amount of time spent on each project will vary depending on the size and scope of the job. Some projects will be longer than others, and some may even require a weekend retreat to ensure completion. Once completed, the tailors or printers will get back to work, either returning to their primary duties at a nearby salon or packing away for the next day’s production.

The number one factor that determines how much do fashion designers make is location. These designers live and die by the fashion showrooms where they produce their work. If they want to be taken seriously, they have to be able to produce and work in any given location, and must be able to charge a market rate that will attract clients.

Obviously, the location that the fashion designer lives and works for will affect their salary greatly. Some fashion houses pay more than others for their designers, simply because of the nature of the fashion showroom as well as the kind of clients that are there. Different fashion houses have different ways of advertising their designers, and offer various salaries and benefits packages. For example, a London based fashion house may pay more, simply because there are many more people who are exposed to the fashion designer or show every week. In contrast, a New York based fashion house may pay less simply because the air and exposure are less in New York.

So how much do fashion designers make?

The answer really depends on whom you ask. With the top fashion designers, it really depends on how much they want to be paid and what they are willing to do for the industry. Some are very willing to jump through hoops, or take very short cuts in order to get to where they are, while other fashion designers will not take short cuts at all. They know that the industry is changing and so they should be paid appropriately for that.

How much do fashion designers make in other countries? Usually, these designers make considerably less than their American counterparts because the average salary is so low. The reason being is that salaries there are usually tied to a few factors, such as experience, location and so forth, whereas American fashion designers earn more simply because they are located in a big city. These are just some of the average salary ranges for fashion designers.


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