How To Fix Broken Makeup – The Basics

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If your makeup is chipping away or you just want to prolong the shelf life of your old foundation, then you will want to know how to fix broken makeup. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this, ranging from home remedies to professional procedures. You just need the right materials and a little know how. Here are a few tips to help you.

  1. Materials Needed. Three basic household items are required to learn how to fix broken makeup using a paper trimmer. A small spoon, some clear wax, and rubbing alcohol. This is a must have if you plan on attempting this on your own. Keep in mind that the rubbing alcohol will destroy any trace of primer or concealer.
  2. Eye Shadow: The eye shadow should be applied with a small sponge or a finger. Then, dip the tip of the spoon into the rubbing alcohol. Gently swirl the brush to get the product into the hollow center of the sponge. Then, apply the eye shadow to the area where the eyebrow meets the eye and blend outward until it looks like an eye shadow is missing. This method is often used to hide blemishes caused by mascara.
  3. Powder Foundation: If you plan on learning how to fix broken makeup using a powder brush, then this is step one. Dip the tip of your large spoon into the rubbing alcohol and then dip the rest of the spoon into the powder. Now, you’re ready to start applying the powder makeup to your face. To add more color, rub the powder into the crease of your eye shadow, on the upper lid and along the crease of the nose.
  4. Eyeshadow Quad: The third step in learning how to fix broken makeup is to use a loose eyeshadow and fill in any gaps that may appear between your eyeshadow and the lid. Next, you want to apply the eyeshadow to the entire lid area of your face. You can make these areas lighter by applying only the middle of the eyeshadow to the outside of the eye lid. Then, apply the other three shades to the inside corner and blend well.
  5. Palette Blending: The last step in learning how to fix broken makeup is to use a palette. Many women struggle because they have never learned to properly blend their powder makeup before. A palette comes in handy because it allows you to control the level of blending each shade. You can use the palette to add more colors, to create different effects or to create softer shades.


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